Crypto bitvavo api per 10 seconds

I have saved the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum every 10 seconds on a Raspberry pi for several months. After a few months I couldn’t log in with ssh anymore and I decided it was time to harvest the data… I took the minisd card out of the PI, put it in a sdcard cartridge. And this one again in my laptop. First I looked in the terminal at the used size of the raspberry pi mini sdcard. For this I used df -m. Plenty of room still.

The data ran from September 9, 2022 to January 20, 2023. I copied it to my laptop. the ticker24.txt file contained the last actively filled data, after a boundary the data is stored in an archive text file. So I had 135 of those, see below.


de code to save these files per 10 seconds stands below, a service with a bash file used in a linux environment:


Description=ververs data

ExecStart=/bin/sh /home/usert/goud/


cd /home/usert/goud
python3 ./


Description iedere 10 seconde


OnCalendar=*-*-* *:*:00,10,20,30,40,50

@author: usert
@author: usert
werkt met service en timer (10 seconde)

from python_bitvavo_api.bitvavo import Bitvavo
from datetime import date
import os
import json

d = {}
with open('./hidden/credentials.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
        (key, val) = line.split("|")
        d[key] = val.replace("\n","")
        if d[key]=='False' :
        if d[key]=='True':
        if key=="ACCESSWINDOW" :

bitvavo = Bitvavo(d)
limit = bitvavo.getRemainingLimit()

def ticker24h_vullen(bbParam={"market" : "ETH-EUR"},fileName="./data/ticker24.txt"):

response = bitvavo.ticker24h(bbParam)

with open(fileName,"a") as f:
    if os.stat(fileName).st_size>1000000:

if __name__=='__main__':
    if limit>10:
        ticker24h_vullen(bbParam={"market" : "BTC-EUR"})
        with open("./data/log.txt","a") as f:
        f.write("limiet is te laag")

to harvest the files on serverside I used enabled everything with the linux bash commands below:

-Using systemd, create a .service file in /etc/systemd/system directory, containing the service’s information and commands.
-Put the .timer file in /etc/systemd/system directory, containing the timer’s information and schedule.
-Use the following commands to enable and start the service and timer:
sudo systemctl enable –now myservice.service
sudo systemctl enable –now mytimer.timer

Below the commands I used for testing the service:
-journalctl -u [service_name]
-or watch the output of man journalctl

To find out what I used at the time to achieve the above, I also used chat gpt, see This is an AI that gives a pretty good answer when I compare it with my memory.
To see this in chat gpt, ask for:
-how can i install a service with timer on linux?
-how to show logging from a system3 service?
-how do I install a ssh server on a Raspberry PI.
-how to secure a raspberry pi installation

To be able to use my old Raspberry PI at all, I had to reinstall it fresh with a more recent operating system:
-first install ubuntu imager on the laptop
-then put the mini sdcard of the raspberry pi in the laptop and install a new operating system
-then disable default password and account! enable firewall if present. systemctl ufw enable.
-Update your system regularly: Use the command sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade to update your system.
-Limit remote access: If you need to access your Raspberry Pi remotely, it’s recommended to use a secure protocol such as SSH. Also, you should limit remote access to only specific users or IP addresses.
-Use encrypted storage
-Use intrusion detection system: you can use a software like OSSEC to monitor your system for intrusion attempts, malware and other suspicious activity.

Installing SSH with keys on a Raspberry Pi is a more secure way of accessing your device remotely compared to using a password. Here are the steps to install and enable SSH with keys on your Raspberry Pi:
-Make sure your Raspberry Pi is connected to the internet and powered on.
-Open the terminal on your Raspberry Pi or connect to it via SSH from another computer.
-Update the package list:
sudo apt-get update
-Install the SSH server:
sudo apt-get install ssh
-Start the SSH service:
sudo service ssh start
-Enable SSH on boot:
sudo systemctl enable ssh
-Check the status of the SSH service:
sudo service ssh status
Generate the SSH keys:
ssh-keygen -t rsa

Copy the public key to the Raspberry Pi:
ssh-copy-id pi@[IP address of Raspberry Pi]
You can check the authorized_keys file in the /home/pi/.ssh/ directory to ensure that the key has been added. Now you can access the Raspberry Pi via SSH using the keys, instead of a password.
-You can use ifconfig command to check your Raspberry Pi IP address

Please note that, SSH default port is 22, but you can change it to a custom value to increase security.